Guidelines Table Allowances Teachers and Educators February 23, 2017 Guidelines Table Allowances Teachers and Educators FOPPSI Kab LamTim - This table to complete the data allowances received by PTK. Al...Read More
Charging Guidelines Table Writing Teachers and Educators GTK February 23, 2017 Charging Guidelines Table Writing Teachers and Educators GTK FOPSSI Kab LamTim - This table to complement the data related scientific p...Read More
Charging Guidelines Table Welfare of Teachers and Educators GTK February 23, 2017 Charging Guidelines Table Welfare of Teachers and Educators GTK FOPPSI Kab LamTim - This table to complete the data welfare or benefits...Read More
Charging Guidelines Table Training Teachers and Educators GTK February 23, 2017 Charging Guidelines Table Training Teachers and Educators GTK FOPPSI Kab LamTim - This table to complete the data training (education a...Read More